Entity Framework – lazy & eager loading

By default Entity Framework will lazy load any related entities. If you’ve not come across Lazy Loading before it’s basically coding something in such a way that either the item is not retrieved and/or not created until you actually want to use it. For example, the code below shows the AlternateNames list is not instantiated until you call the property.

public class Plant
   private IList<AlternateName> alternateNames;

   public virtual IList<AlternateName> AlternateNames
         return alternateNames ?? new List<AlternateName>();

So as you can see from the example above we only create an instance of IList when the AlternateNames property is called.

As stated at the start of this post, by default Entity Framework defaults to lazy loading which is perfect in most scenarios, but let’s take one where it’s not…

If you are returning an instance of an object (like Plant above), AlternateNames is not loaded until it’s referenced, however if you were to pass the Plant object over the wire using something like WCF, AlternateNames will not get instantiated. The caller/client will try to access the AlternateNames property and of course it cannot now be loaded. What we need to do is ensure the object is fully loaded before passing it over the wire. To do this we need to Eager Load the data.

Eager Loading is the process of ensuring a lazy loaded object is fully loaded. In Entity Framework we achieve this using the Include method, thus

return context.Plants.Include("AlternateNames");