Category Archives: Redis

Redis service and client

Redis is an in memory store/cache, key/value store. Luckily there’s a Docker image for this.

Let’s run an instance of Redis via Docker on an Ubuntu server

docker run --name myredis -d -p 6379:6379 redis

Oh, how I love Docker (and ofcourse the community who create these images). This will run Redis and return immediately to your host’s command prompt (i.e. we do not go into the instance of Redis).

To run the redis client we’ll need to switch to the instance of the Docker container running Redis and then run the redis command line interface, thus

docker exec -it myredis bash

We’ll use this CLI later to view data in the cache.

C# client

There are several Redis client libraries available for .NET/C#, I’m going to go with ServiceStack.Redis, mainly because I’ve been using ServiceStack recently. So create a Console application, add the nuget packages for ServiceStack.Redis and now add the following code

public class Person
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
      var client = new RedisClient("redis://");
      client.Add("1234", new Person {FirstName = "Scooby", LastName = "Doo"});

Obviously change to your server ip address.

This code will simply write the Person object to the store against the key 1234. If you have the redis-cli running then you can type

get 1234

this should result in the following result


Ofcourse, we now need to use the ServiceStack.Redis client to read our data back. Just use this

var p = client.Get<Person>("1234");


By default Redis has no security set up, hence we didn’t need to specify a user name and password. Obviously in a production environment we’d need to implement such security (or if using Redis via a cloud provider such as Azure).

For our instance we can secure Redis as a whole using the command AUTH. So from redis-cli run

CONFIG SET requirepass "password"
AUTH "password"

If you run AUTH “password” and get Err Client sent AUTH, but no password is set you’ll need the CONFIG line, otherwise the AUTH line should work fine. Our client application will need the following changes to the URL

var client = new RedisClient("redis://");

To remove the password (if you need to) simple type the following from the redis-cli

CONFIG SET requirepass ""
