Android application’s default theme colours

Note: I’m developing an application with Xamarin Forms, so, although I assume this is the same across Android development, I have not verified this.

We define a style for an Android application (see Resources/values/styles.xml). This consists of the theme being used as well as some values for customisation. These include the status bar (the bar at the top of the screen which contains notification icons such as wi-fi, Bluetooth icons etc.) as well as the caption/title colour, navigation bar colour etc.

The default colours for this and/or your applications toolbar etc. are customisable via this styles.xml file. Here’s some of the values available

  • colorPrimaryDark – this is the status bar colour, by default it’s set to #1976D2
  • colorPrimary – this is the action bar/toolbar colour, by default it’s set to #2196F3
  • colorAccent – this is the tint colour (used on controls/widgets as a highlight), by default it’s set to #FF4081


Material Design for Android
Styles and Themes