Monthly Archives: October 2016

A quick look at WPF Localization Extensions

Continuing my look into localizing WPF application…

I’ve covered techniques used by theme’s to change a WPF application’s resources for the current culture. I’ve looked at using locbaml for extracting resources and localizing them. Now I’m looking at WPF Localization Extensions.

The WPF localization extension take the route of good old resx files and markup extensions (along with other classes) to implement localization of WPF applications.

Getting Started

  • Create a WPF application
  • Using NuGet, install the WPFLocalizeExtension
  • Open the Properties section and copy Resources.resx and rename the copy (or whatever culture you wish to support)

As with my other examples of localizing WPF applications, I’m not going to put too much effort into developing a UI as it’s the concepts I’m more interested in at this time.

First off let’s add the following XAML to MainWindow.xaml within the Window namspaces etc.


The DefaultDictionary needs to have the name of the resource file, whether it’s Resources (exluding the .resx) or if you’ve created one names Strings or whatever, just exclude the extension.

The DefaultAssembly is the name of the assembly to be used as the default for resources, i.e. in this case it’s the name of my project’s assembly.

Next up, within the Grid, we’re going to have this

<TextBlock Text="{lex:Loc Header}" />

Header is a key – obviously on a production ready application with more than one string to translate, we’d probably implement a better naming convention.

A tell tale sign things are wrong is you’ll see the text displayed as Key: Header, this likely points to one of the namespace values being incorrect, such as the DefaultDictionary name.

That’s it for the UI.

In the Resources.resx, add a string named Header and give it a Value, for example mine should default to English and hence will have Hello as the value. In the, add a Header name and give it the value Bonjour.

That’s the extent of our strings for this application. If you run the application you should see the default Resources string, “Hello”. So now let’s look at testing the fr-FR culture.

In App.xaml.cs create a default constructor and place this code within it

LocalizeDictionary.Instance.SetCurrentThreadCulture = true;
LocalizeDictionary.Instance.Culture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");

Run the application again and the displayed string will be take from the fr-FR resource file.

To allow us to easily switch, at runtime, between cultures, we can use the LocalizeDictionary. Here’s a combo box selector to do this (taken from the sample source on the WPF Localization Extensions github page).

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static lex:LocalizeDictionary.Instance}, Path=MergedAvailableCultures}"
   SelectedItem="{Binding Source={x:Static lex:LocalizeDictionary.Instance}, Path=Culture}" DisplayMemberPath="NativeName" />

We also need to be able get strings from the selected resource in our code, here’s a simple static class from StackOverflow which allows us to get a string (or other type) from the currently selected resources

public static class LocalizationProvider
    public static T GetLocalizedValue<T>(string key)
        return LocExtension.GetLocalizedValue<T>
(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name + ":Resources:" + key);

The string “Resources” should obviously be changed to the name of your resource files (for example if you’re using just strings in a “Strings” resource etc).

This is certainly simpler to set-up than locbaml, the obvious drawback with this approach is that the strings at design time are not very useful. But if, like me, you tend to code WPF UI primarily in XAML then this probably won’t concern you.

Localizing a WPF application using locbaml

This post is going to mirror the Microsoft post How to: Localize an Application but I’ll try to add something of value to it.

Getting Started

Let’s create a WPF Application, mine’s called Localize1. In the MainWindow add one or more controls – I’m going basic at this point with the following XAML within the Window element of MainWindow.xaml


According to the Microsoft “How To”, we now place the following line in the csproj


So locate the end of the <PropertyGroup> elements and put the following


See AssemblyInfo.cs comment on using the UICulture element also

Obviously put the culture specific to your default locale, hence mine’s en-GB. Save the altered csproj and ofcourse reload in Visual Studio if you have the project loaded.

The inclusion of the UICulture will result (when the application is built) in a folder en-GB (in my case) with a single satellite assembly created, named Localize1.resources.dll.

Next we’re going to use msbuild to generate Uid’s for our controls. So from the command line in the project folder of your application run

msbuild /t:updateuid Localize1.csproj

Obviously replace the project name with your own. This should generate Uid’s for controls within your XAML files. They’re not very descriptive, i.e. Grid_1, TextBlock_1 etc. but we’ll stick with following the “How To” for now. Ofcourse you can implement your own Uid’s and either use msbuild /t:updateuid to generate any missing Uid’s or ignore them – and have Uid’s for those controls you wish to localize only.

We can also verify that Uid’s exist for our controls by running

msbuild /t:checkuid Localize1.csproj

At this point we’ve generated Uid’s for our controls and msbuild generated as part of the compilation a resource DLL for the culture we assigned to the project file.

We now need to look at generating alternate language resource.

How to create an alternate language resource

We need to download the LocBaml tool or it’s source. I had problems locating this but luckily found source on github here.

So if you don’t have LocBaml already, download and build the source and drop the locbaml.exe into your bin\debug folder. Now run the following command

locbaml.exe /parse en-GB/Localize1.resources.dll /out:Localize1.csv

You could ofcourse copy the locbaml.exe to the en-GB folder in my example if you prefer. What we’re after is for locbaml to generate our Localize1.csv file, which will be then add translated text to.

Here’s what my csv file looks like


If you view this csv in Excel you’ll see 7 columns. These are in the following order (decriptions copied from the How To document)

  • BAML Name. The name of the BAML resource with respect to the source language satellite assembly.
  • Resource Key. The localized resource identifier.
  • Category. The value type.
  • Readability. Whether the value can be read by a localizer.
  • Modifiability. Whether the value can be modified by a localizer.
  • Comments. Additional description of the value to help determine how a value is localized.
  • Value. The text value to translate to the desired culture.

For our translators (if we’re using an external translator to localize our applications) we might wish to supply comments regarding expectations or context for the item to be localized.

So, go ahead and translate the string Hello to an alternate culture, I’m going to change it to Bonjour. Once completed, save the csv as Localize1_fr-FR.csv (or at least in my case translating to French).

Now we want to get locbaml to generate our new satellite assembly for the French language resources, so again from the Debug folder (where you should have the generated csv from the original set of resources as well as the new fr-FR file) create a folder named fr-FR (or whatever your new culture is).

Run the locbaml command

locbaml.exe /generate en-GB/Localize1.resources.dll /trans:Localize1_fr-FR.csv /out:fr-FR /cul:fr-FR

This will generate a new .resource.dll based upon the Localize1.resource.dll but using our translated text (as specified in the file Localize1_fr-FR.csv). The new DLL will be written to the fr-FR folder.

Testing our translations

So now let’s see if everything worked by testing our translations in our application.

The easiest way to do this is to edit the App.xaml.cs and if it doesn’t have a constructor, then add one which should look like this

public App()
   CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
   Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci;
   Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;

you’ll obviously requires the following using clauses as well

using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;

We’re basically forcing our application to use fr-FR by default when it starts. If all went well, you should see the TextBlock with the text Bonjour.

Now change the Culture to one which you have not generated a set of resources for, i.e. in my case I support en-GB and fr-FR, so switching to en-US and running the application will have an undesirable affect, i.e. an IOException occurs, with additional information “Cannot locate resource ‘mainwindow.xaml'”. This is not very helpful, but basically means we do not have a “fallback” or “neutral language” resource.

Setting a fallback/neutral language resource

We, obviously don’t want to have to create resource files for every possible culture. What we need is to have a fallback or neutral language resource which is used when a culture is not supported via a translation DLL. To achieve this, open AssemblyInfo.cs and locate the commented out line which includes NeutralResourcesLanguage or just add the following either way

[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-GB", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)]

obviously replace the eb-GB with your preferred default language. Run the application again and no IOException should occur and the default resources en-GB are used.

What about strings in code?

Well as the name suggests, locbaml is really localizing our BAML and when our WPF application starts up, in essence it loads our XAML with the one’s stored in the resource DLL.

So the string that we’ve embedded in the MainWindow.xaml, is not separated from the XAML (i.e. it’s embedded within the TextBlock itself). So we need to move our strings into a shared ResourceDictionary file and reference them from the UI XAML. For example in our App.xaml let’s add

   <system:String x:Uid="Header_1" x:Key="Header">TBC</system:String>

Now, change our MainWindow.xaml to

<TextBlock Text="{StaticResource Header}" />

This allows us to use FindResource to get at the string resource using the standard WPF FindResource method, as per

var headerString = Application.Current.FindResource("Header");

This appears to be the only “easy” way I’ve found of accessing resources and requires the resource key, not the Uid. This is obviously not great (if it is the only mechanism) as it then requires that we maintain both Uid and Key on each string, control etc. However if we ensure strings are stored as string resources then this probably isn’t too much of a headache.


Localizing a WPF application using dynamic resources

There are several options for localizating a WPF application. We can use resx files, locbaml to create resource DLL’s for us, or why not just use the same technique used in theme’s, i.e. DynamicResource and ResourceDictionary’s.

In this post I’m going to look at the DynamicResource and ResourceDictionary approach to localization. Although this technique can obviously be used with images etc., we’ll concentrate on dealing with strings, which usually are the main area of localization.

Let’s start with some code

Create a simple WPF application which will use the standard DynamicResource to set text on controls. We will create a “default” set of string resources to allow us to develop our initial application with and we will create two satellite assemblies which will contain the same string resources for en-GB and en-US resources.

  • Create a WPF Application
  • Create a class library named Resources_en-GB and another class library named Resources_en-US
  • Add the references PresnetationCore, PresentationFramework, WindowsBase and System.Xaml to these class libraries
  • Change the class library output folders for Debug and Release to match those for the WPF application so the DLL’s will be built to the same folder as the application

Now in the WPF application, add a ResourceDictionary, mine’s named Strings.xaml and this will act as our default/design-time dictionary, here’s mine

<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""

    <system:String x:Key="Header">TBC</system:String>

and my MainWindow.xaml looks like this

<Window x:Class="WpfLocalizable.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <TextBlock Text="{DynamicResource Header}" FontSize="24"/>
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
            <Button Content="US" Width="100" Margin="10" />
            <Button Content="GB" Width="100" Margin="10" />

I didn’t say this was going to be exciting, did I?

Now if you run the application as it currently stands, you’ll see the string TBC – our design-time string.

Next, copy the Strings.xaml file from the application to both the Resources_en-GB and Resources_en-US and change the string text to represent your GB and US strings for header – I used the word Colour in GB and Color in US – just to demonstrate the common language differences.

Now if you build and run the application, you’ll see the default header text still, so we now need to make the application set the resources at start-up and allow us to easily switch them. So change the buttons in MainWindow.xaml to these

<Button Content="US" Width="100" Margin="10" Click="US_OnClick"/>
<Button Content="GB" Width="100" Margin="10" Click="GB_OnClick"/>

We’re going to simply use code behind for changing the resource in this demo. So in MainWindow.xaml.cs add the following code

private void LoadStringResource(string locale)
   var resources = new ResourceDictionary();

   resources.Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resources_" + locale + ";component/Strings.xaml", UriKind.Absolute);

   var current = Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.FirstOrDefault(
                    m => m.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Strings.xaml"));

   if (current != null)


private void US_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

private void GB_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

and finally in the constructor let’s default to en-GB, so simply add this line after the InitializeComponent


Now run the application, be default you should see en-GB strings and then press the US button to see the en-US version etc.

Finishing touches

In some situations we might want to switch the languages strings used via an option (very useful when debugging but also in you’re natural language is not the same as the default on your machine). In most cases, we’re likely to want to switch the language at start-up to match the machines’s culture/language.

Using ResourceDictionary might look a little more complex than CSV files, but should be easy for your translators to use and being, ultimately, XML – we could ofcourse write a simple application to allow the translators to view strings etc. in a tabular format.

We can deploy as many or as few localized resources as we need on a machine.


Checkout this a useful document WPF Globalization and Localization Overview from Microsoft.

Getting started with Bond

What’s Bond?

The Microsoft github repos. for Bond states that “Bond is an open source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data.”

To put it another way, Bond appears to be similar to Google’s protocol buffers. See Why Bond? for more on what Bond is.

At the time of writing, out of the box, Bond is supported with C++. C# and Python language bindings.

Jumping straight in

Let’s jump straight in an write some code. Here’s the steps to create our project

  • For this example, let’s create a Console project in Visual Studio
  • Using NuGet add the Bond.CSharp package

Now we’ll define our schema using Bond’s IDL. This should be saved with the .bond extension, so in my case, this code is in

namespace Sample

struct Person
    0: string FirstName;
    1: string LastName;
    2: int32 Age;

Notice that we create a namespace and then use a Bond struct to define our data. Within the struct, each item of data is preceded with an numeric id (see IDL Syntax for more information).

Now, we could obviously write the code to represent this IDL, but it’s be better still if we can generate the source code from the IDL. When we added the NuGet Bond.CSharp package we also got a copy of gbc, which is the command line tool for this purpose.

Open up a cmd prompt and locate gbc (mine was installed into \packages\Bond.CSharp.5.0.0\tools). From here we run the following

gbc c# <Project>\ -o=<Project>

Replace <Project> with the file path of your application and where your .bond file is located..

This command will generate the source files from the IDL and output (the -o switch) to the root of the project location.

Now we need to include the generated files in our project – mine now includes Person_interfaces.cs, Person_proxies.cs, Person_services.cs and Person_types.cs. In fact we only need the Person_types.cs for this example. This includes the C# representation of our IDL and looks (basically) like this

public partial class Person
   public string FirstName { get; set; }

   public string LastName { get; set; }

   public int Age { get; set; }

   public Person()
      : this("Sample.Person", "Person")

   protected Person(string fullName, string name)
      FirstName = "";
      LastName = "";

Let’s now look at some code for writing a Person to the Bond serializer.

Note: There is an example of serialization code in the guide to Bond. This shows the helper static methods, Serializer.To and Deserializer.From, however these are not the most optimal for non-trivial code, so I’ll ignore those for my example.

Using clause

Bond includes a Bond.IO.Safe namespace and a Bond.IO.Unsafe, according to the documentation the Unsafe namespace includes the fastest code. So For this example I’m using Bond.IO.Unsafe.

How to write an object to Bond

var src = new Person
   FirstName = "Scooby",
   LastName = "Doo",
   Age = 7

var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
var serializer = new Serializer<CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>(typeof(Person));

serializer.Serialize(src, writer);

The Serialize.To code allows us to dispense with the serializer, but the initial call to this creates the serializer which can take a performance hit if used inside a loop or the likes, hence creating the serializer upfront and using this instance in any loops would provide better overall performance.

How to read an object from Bond

var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var deserializer = new Deserializer<CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>>(typeof(Person));

var dst = deserializer.Deserialize(reader);

In the above code we’re getting the input from the OutputBuffer we created from writing data, although this is just to demonstrate usage. The InputBuffer can take a byte[] representing the data to be deserialized.

Where possible InputBuffer’s and OutputBuffer’s should also be reused, simply set the buffer.Position = 0 to reset them after use.

Serialization Protocols

In the previous code we’ve used the CompactBinary classes which implements binary serialization (optimized for compactness, as the name suggests), but there are several other serialization protocols.

FastBinaryReader/FastBinaryWriter, classes are optimized for speed, and easily plug into our sample code like this

var writer = new FastBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
var serializer = new Serializer<FastBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>(typeof(Person));


var reader = new FastBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var deserializer = new Deserializer<FastBinaryReader<InputBuffer>>(typeof(Person));

SimpleBinaryReader/SimpleBinaryWriter, classes offer potential for a saving on the payload size.

var writer = new SimpleBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
var serializer = new Serializer<SimpleBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>>(typeof(Person));


var reader = new SimpleBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var deserializer = new Deserializer<SimpleBinaryReader<InputBuffer>>(typeof(Person));

Human readable serialization protocols

At the time of writing, Bond supports the two “human-readable” based protocols, which are XML and JSON.

Let’s look at the changes required to read/write JSON.

The JSON protocol can be used with the .bond file as previously defined, or we can add JsonName attribute to the fields to produce

namespace Sample

struct Person
    0: string FirstName;
    1: string LastName;
    2: int32 Age;

if we are supporting Json with named attributes. The easiest way to use the SimpleJsonReade/SimpleJsonWriter is using a string buffer (or StringBuilder in C# terms), so here’s the code to write our Person object to a Json string

var sb = new StringBuilder();
var writer = new SimpleJsonWriter(new StringWriter(sb));
var serializer = new Serializer<SimpleJsonWriter>(typeof(Person));

serializer.Serialize(src, writer);

to deserialize the string back to an object we can use

var reader = new SimpleJsonReader(new StringReader(sb.ToString()));
var deserializer = new Deserializer<SimpleJsonReader>(typeof(Person));

var dst = deserializer.Deserialize(reader);

The XML protocol can be used with the original .bond file (or the Json one as the JsonName attributes are ignored) so nothing to change there. Here’s the code to write our object to XML (again we’re using a string as a buffer)

var sb = new StringBuilder();
var writer = new SimpleXmlWriter(XmlWriter.Create(sb));
var serializer = new Serializer<SimpleXmlWriter>(typeof(Person));

serializer.Serialize(src, writer);


and to deserialize the XML we simply use

var reader = new SimpleXmlReader(
         new StringReader(sb.ToString())));
var deserializer = new Deserializer<SimpleXmlReader>(typeof(Person));

var dst = deserializer.Deserialize(reader);


The Transcoder allows us to convert “payloads” from one protocol to another. For example, let’s assume we’ve got a SimpleXmlReader representing some XML data and we want to transcode it to a CompactBinaryWriter format, we can do the following

var reader = new SimpleXmlReader(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml)));

var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);

var transcode = new Transcoder<

transcode.Transcode(reader, writer);

Now our payload is represented as a CompactBinaryWriter. Obviously this is more useful in scenarios where you have readers and writers as opposed to this crude example where we could convert to and from the Person object ourselves.


A Young Person’s Guide to C# Bond

TestStack.White Gotcha/Tips

RadioButton Click might not actually change anything

The click method does not actually click on the radio button itself. It’s noticeable where a radio button fills some extra space, in some cases the click will not be over the radio button or the text and thus doesn’t seem to work.

Instead use

var radioButton = window.Get<RadioButton>(SearchCriteria.ByText("One"));


What type is a UserControl mapped to in TestStack.White?

WPF UserControl’s maps to the TestStack.White frameworks CustomUIItem. Hence

<!-- Other elements -->

can be accessed using

var myClassUserControl =

Defining a custom control mapping

When using the generic Get method in TestStack.White, you’re have the ability to convert the automation control to a TestStack.White Label, Button etc. to give the feel of interacting with such capabilities that are exposed by these types of controls.

In the case of a WPF UserControl we see this maps to a CustomUIItem. It might be useful if we were to define a TestStack.White compatible UserControl for use with the Get method (for example).

Let’s firstly look at how TestStack.White source code implements a Label (here’s the source for the Label control)

public class Label : UIItem
   protected Label() {}
   public Label(AutomationElement automationElement, 
       IActionListener actionListener) : 
          base(automationElement, actionListener) {}

   public virtual string Text
      get { return (string) Property(AutomationElement.NameProperty); }

Now in our case we need to create a similar class but derived from the CustomUIItem, so here’s ours

[ControlTypeMapping(CustomUIItemType.Custom, WindowsFramework.Wpf)]
public class UserControl : CustomUIItem
   public UserControl(
      AutomationElement automationElement, 
      ActionListener actionListener)
         : base(automationElement, actionListener)

   protected UserControl()

According to the Custom UI Items documentation, an Empty constructor is mandatory with protected or public access modifier also required.

The ControlTypeMapping attribute is used to allow TestStack.White to map the return from the Get method to the new UserControl type, for example

var userControl = window.Get<UserControl>(

Selecting an item in a ComboBox

The code for selecting an item in a ComboBox is fairly simple in TestStack.White, but when I used it I kept getting exceptions saying something about virtualization pattern.

Luckily as TestStack.White is built upon the MS Automation framework and others have been here before me, this from Stackoverflow worked for me, here’s the code slightly altered to use as an extension method

public static void SelectItem(this ComboBox control, string item)
   var listControl = control.AutomationElement;

   var automationPatternFromElement = 

   var expandCollapsePattern =
         as ExpandCollapsePattern;
   if(expandCollapsePattern != null)

      var listItem = listControl.FindFirst(
          new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, item));

      automationPatternFromElement = 

      var selectionItemPattern =
            as SelectionItemPattern;

      if(selectionItemPattern != null)

private static AutomationPattern GetSpecifiedPattern(
   AutomationElement element, string patternName)
   return element.GetSupportedPatterns()
      .FirstOrDefault(pattern => 
         pattern.ProgrammaticName == patternName);

UI Automation Testing with TestStack.White

TestStack.White is based on the UI Automation libraries (see UI Automation), offering a simplification of such methods for automating a UI and allowing us to write unit tests against such UI automation.

Getting Started

Let’s jump straight in and write a simply UI automation unit test around the Calc.exe application.

  • Create a new C# Unit Test project (or class library, adding your favoured unit testing framework)
  • Install the TestStack.White nuget package

Let’s begin by creating a simple test method which starts the Calc.exe application, get’s access to the calculator window and then disposes of it, we’ll obviously insert code into this test to do something of value soon, but for now, here’s the basics

public void TestMethod1()
   using(var application = Application.Launch("Calc.exe"))
      var calculator = application.GetWindow("Calculator", InitializeOption.NoCache);

      // do something with the application


Well that doesn’t do anything too exciting, it runs Calc.exe and then closes it, but now we can start interacting with an instance of the calculator’s UI using TestStack.White.

Let’s start by getting the button with the number 7 and click/press it.

var b7 = calculator.Get<Button>(SearchCriteria.ByText("7"));

By using the Get method with the generic parameter Button, we get back a button object which we can interact directly with. The SearchCriteria allows us to try to find UI control in the Calculator with the text (in this case) 7. As is probably quite obvious, we call the Click method on this button object to simulate a button click event.

We can’t always get as controls by their text so using Spy++ and using the cross-hair/find window tool we can find the “Control ID” (which is in hex.) and we can instead find a control via this id (White calls this the automation id) hence

var plus = calculator.Get<Button>(

So let’s look at a completed and very simply unit test to see that we can add two numbers and the output (on the screen) is expected

var b7 = calculator.Get<Button>(

var plus = calculator.Get<Button>(

var b3 = calculator.Get<Button>(

var eq = calculator.Get<Button>(

var a = calculator.Get(

var r = a.Name;
Assert.AreEqual("12", r);

Managed applications

In the above example we uses Spy++ to get control id’s etc. for WPF we can use the utility, Snoop and for the automation id use the name of the control, for example

var searchBox = pf.Get<TextBox>(

where SearchBox is the name associated with the control.


Same XamDataGrid different layouts for different types

In some cases you might be using Infragistic’s XamDataGrid with differing types. For example, maybe a couple of types have the same base class but each have differing properties that you need the grid to display or maybe you have heterogeneous data which you want to display in the same grid.

To do this we simply define different field layouts within the XamDataGrid and use the Key property to define which layout is used for which type.

Let’s look at a simple example which will display two totally different sets of columns for the data. Here’s the example classes

public class Train
   public string Route { get; set; }
   public int Carriages { get; set; }

public class Car
   public string Make { get; set; }
   public string Model { get; set; }
   public float EngineSize { get; set; }

as you can see, the classes do not share a common base class or implement a common interface. If we set up our XamDataGrid like this

<ig:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding}">
      <ig:FieldLayout Key="Train">
         <ig:Field Name="Route" />
         <ig:Field Name="Carriages" />

      <ig:FieldLayout Key="Car">
         <ig:Field Name="Make" />
         <ig:Field Name="Model" />
         <ig:Field Name="EngineSize" />

we can then supply an IEnumerable (such as an ObservableCollection) with all the same type, i.e. Car or Train objects or a mixture of both.

The Key should have the name of the type which it’s field layout applies to. So for example, when Train objects are found in the DataSource, the Train FieldLayout is used hence the columns Route and Carriages will be displayed, likewise when Car objects are found the Car layout is used, thus Make, Model and EngineSize are displayed.

Note: The field layout is used for each row, i.e. the grid control doesn’t group all Trains together and/or all Cars, the rows are displayed in the order of the data and thus the field layouts are displayed each time the object type changes.