Monthly Archives: December 2014

Function overloading in F#

F# doesn’t support function overloads, so you cannot write the following

let add a b = a + b
let add a b c = a  b + c

However one thing we could do is implement a discriminated union, for example

type Addition =
    | Two of int * int
    | Three of int * int * int

let add param =
    match param with
    | Two (a, b) -> a + b
    | Three (a, b, c) -> a + b + c

Now to call the function using this code we’d write

let a = add <| Three(1, 2, 3)

// or

let a = add (Three(1, 2, 3))

in C# we would use

var a = Dsl.add(Dsl.Addition.NewThree(1, 2, 3));

Binding to the TabControl’s ItemsSource (and more)

I couldn’t come up with a good title for this post but what I really want to cover is this…

I want to create view models and have a TabControl dynamically create the TabItems for the view models and then automatically assign/associate the corresponding view to the tab’s visual tree for each view model.

Often when we create a TabControl (by the way the concepts listed here work equally well for ItemsControl types), we usually declare everything in XAML, each TabItem is bound to our ViewModel, we supply the header etc. But what I require is a more dynamic way of creating the TabControl’s TabItems via the view model.

Let’s use an example. I’m going to create a TabControl with TabItems similar to the sections within an Outlook Contact details view. So we’ll have a tab for the Contact Details, the Internet Details, the Phone Numbers and the Addresses. In this example we will supply each of the relevant ViewModels via an ObservableCollection and bind this to the TabControls ItemsSource, but before that let’s see the example view models

public class ContactDetailsViewModel
   public static string Name
      get { return "Contact Details"; }

   public string Content
      get { return "Contact Details Content"; }

The other view models will all take the same form as this one (I’ll still list them for completeness). In these example view models we’ll assume the Content property may be one of many properties that the corresponding view will bind to. i.e. we’ll end up creating many properties which in turn will get bound to a view.

As we want the TabControl to dynamically create TabItems, we’ll also need to supply the TabItem Header via the view model (or some other mechanism), so this is where the Name property comes in.

Before we look at the “outer” view model that the TabControl itself binds to, I’ll list those other view models as mentioned previously

public class InternetViewModel
   public static string Name
      get { return "Internet"; }

   public string Content
      get { return "Internet Content"; }

public class PhoneNumbersViewModel
   public static string Name
      get { return "Phone Numbers"; }

   public string Content
      get { return "Phone Numbers Content"; }

public class AddressesViewModel
   public static string Name
      get { return "Addresses"; }

   public string Content
      get { return "Addresses Content"; }

Now let’s look at the view model which supplies the TabControl with the ItemsSource data, i.e. it encapsulates the child view models.

public class ContactViewModel
   public ContactViewModel()
      Details = new ObservableCollection<object>
         new ContactDetailsViewModel(),
         new InternetViewModel(),
         new PhoneNumbersViewModel(),
         new AddressesViewModel()

   public ObservableCollection<object> Details { get; private set; }

As you can see, we create a collection of the view models which will be used to populate the ItemsSource on the TabControl.

Let’s take a look at how we might use this view model within the view (we’ll assume the view’s DataContext has been assigned a ContactViewModel instance by whatever means you like). So this first example of our view is very basic mainly to demonstrate the ItemsSource binding, this will simply display the correct number of TabItems and set the header to the Name property from our view models

<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Details}">
      <Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
         <Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Name}" />

Pretty minimalist, but it’s a good starting point. If you were to run the code thus far, you’ll notice that initially no tab is selected, so we could add a SelectedIndex or SelectedItem property to the TabControl and the relevant binding and view model properties to enable the selected item to be set and tracked. But for now, just click on a tab yourself. When you select a tab you’ll notice the TabItem’s content is the TypeName of the selected view model. This is good as it tells us our view model’s are connected to the TabItems, but ofcourse it’s of no use in our end application, so let’s create four UserControls, named ContactDetailsView, InternetView, PhoneNumbersView and AddessesView and simply give each of them the following

   <TextBlock Text="{Binding Content}" />

Again, in our real world app. each view would differ as would the view model’s properties, but hopefully you get the idea.

We now need to associate the view with the selected view model, a simple way to do this is as follows. Add the following to the TabControl code that we wrote earlier

   <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type tabControlViewModel:ContactDetailsViewModel}">
      <tabControlViewModel:ContactDetailsView />
   <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type tabControlViewModel:InternetViewModel}">
   <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type tabControlViewModel:PhoneNumbersViewModel}">
   <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type tabControlViewModel:AddressesViewModel}">

Now if you run the code each selected TabItem will display the corresponding view for the selected view model, using the DataTemplate to select the correct view. If you’re not convinced, for each of the views, change the TextBlock’s ForeGround colour to see that each view is different and thus a different view is display for each view model.

This is a massive step forward and we could stop at this point and be happy but…

Taking it a stage further

Note: This has not been thoroughly tested so use at your own discretion

Using the resources and DataTemplates is a good solution, but I’d rather like something like Caliburn Micro etc. where a view locator creates the view automatically for me. So let’s have a go at producing something like this.

First off our TabControl now looks like this

<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Details}" 
      ContentTemplateSelector="{StaticResource Selector}">
      <Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
         <Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Name}" />

The change from our first version is the ContentTemplateSelector. Obviously we’ll need to add the following to the Resource section of our Window or UserControl

   <tabControlViewModel:ViewTemplateSelector x:Key="Selector"/>

Now let’s write the ViewTemplateSelector. Basically the ViewTemplateSelector is derived from the DataTemplateSelector and what will happen is – when a tab is selected, the ContentTemplateSelector will be used to call our ViewTemplateSelector’s SelectTemplate method. Our ViewTemplateSelector will handle the calls to SelectTemplate and try to locate a view in the same assembly as the view model currently associated with a tab. We try to find a view with matches the name of the view model type but without the Model suffix. So for example for our InternetViewModel, we’ll try to find an InternetView type in the same assembly as the view model. We’ll then create an instance of this and attach to a DataTemplate before returning this to the TabControl.

One thing we need to be aware of is that unless we wish to instantiate a new instance of the view every time an item is selected, we’ll need to cache the data templates.

Anyway here’s the code as I currently have it

public class ViewTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
   private readonly Dictionary<string, DataTemplate> dataTemplates = 
                 new Dictionary<string, DataTemplate>();

   public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)
      var contentPresent = container as ContentPresenter;
      if (contentPresent != null)
         const string VIEWMODEL = "ViewModel";
         const string MODEL = "Model";

         if (item != null)
            var type = item.GetType();
            var name = type.Name;
            if (name.EndsWith(VIEWMODEL))
               name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - MODEL.Length);
               if (dataTemplates.ContainsKey(name))
                  return dataTemplates[name];

               var match = type.Assembly.GetTypes().
                      FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == name);
               if (match != null)
                  var view = Activator.CreateInstance(match) as DependencyObject;
                  if (view != null)
                     var factory = new FrameworkElementFactory(match);
                     var dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(type)
                        VisualTree = factory
                     dataTemplates.Add(name, dataTemplate);
                     return dataTemplate;
      return base.SelectTemplate(item, container);

Now we should have a TabControl whose TabItems are generated based upon the ItemsSource collection of view models. A view is now created based upon the view name and automatically inserted into corresponding TabItem.

Unit testing native C++ code using Visual Studio

Before I begin with this post, let me state that Unit testing native code with Test Explorer explains this topic very well. So why am I writing a post on this? Well I did encounter a couple of issues and felt it worth documenting those along with the “steps” I took to when using the Microsoft unit testing solution for C++ in Visual Studio.

Let’s jump straight in – my intention is to create a simple class which has some setter and getter methods (nothing special) and test the implementations, obviously this is just a simple example but it will cover some of the fundamentals (I hope).

Here’s the steps to get a couple of Visual Studio projects up and running, one being the code we want to test, the second being for the unit tests.

  • Let’s start by creating a DLL for our library/code.
  • Open Visual Studio and create a New Project
  • Select Visual C++ Win32 Project and give it a name (mine’s named MotorController), then press OK
  • When the Win32 Application Wizard appears, press next then select DLL for Application Type, uncheck Security Development Lifecycle and check Export Symbols. I’m not going to use MFC or ATL for this so leave them unchecked, then press Finish
  • Now let’s create the unit test project
  • Select Add | New Project from the solution context menu
  • Select the Visual C++ | Test section and click on Native Unit Test Project
  • Give the unit test project a name (mine’s MotorControllerTests), then press OK
  • Before we can test anything in the MotorController project we need to reference the project
  • Right mouse click on your unit test project and select Properties
  • Select Common Properties | Framework and References
  • Press the Add New Reference button and check the project with code to be tested (i.e. my MotorController project), press OK and OK again on Properties dialog

At this point you should have two projects, one for your code and one for your unit tests. Both are DLL’s and the unit test project includes the code to run the tests via the Test Explorer.

So before we write any code and to ensure all is working, feel free to run the tests…

Select the menu item – Test | Run | Run All Tests. If all goes well, within Test Explorer, you’ll see a single test class named UnitTest1 (unless you renamed this) and a single method TestMethod1 (unless you changed this).

Now let’s go ahead and write some tests. I’m going to assume you’ve used the same names as I have for the objects etc. but feel free to change the code to suit your object names etc.

  • Rename the TEST_CLASS from UnitTest1 to MotorControllerTest and change the file name of the unit test to match (i.e. MotorControllerTest.cpp)
  • We’re going to need access to the header file for the MotorController class so add an include to the MotorControllerTest.cpp file to include the “MotorController.h” header, I’m going to simply use the following for now (i.e. I’m not going to set up the include folders in VC++)
    #include "../MotorController/MotorController.h"
  • We’re going to implement a couple of simple setter and getter methods to demonstrate the concepts of unit testing with Visual Studio. So to begin with let’s rename the current TEST_METHOD to getSpeed, then add another TEST_METHOD named getDirection, so your code should like like this
  • Now if we run these tests we’ll see our newly named class and two test methods are green, as we’ve not implement the code this might be a little off putting so you can always insert the Assert::Fail line into your unit test method until it’s implemented, for example

    If you now run your tests (assuming you placed the Assert::Fail into your methods) they will both fail, which is as expected until such time as we implement the code to make them pass.

  • To save going through each step in creating the code, I’ll now supply the unit test code for the final tests
          CMotorController motor;
          Assert::AreEqual(123, motor.getSpeed());
          CMotorController motor;
          Assert::AreEqual(Forward, motor.getDirection());
  • Next let’s implement some code in the MotorController.h and MotorController.cpp
    // MotorController.h
    enum Direction
    // This class is exported from the MotorController.dll
    class MOTORCONTROLLER_API CMotorController {
        int speed;
        Direction direction;
        void setSpeed(int speed);
        int getSpeed();
        void setDirection(Direction direction);
        Direction getDirection();


    // MotorController.cpp
    void CMotorController::setSpeed(int speed)
        this->speed = speed;
    int CMotorController::getSpeed()
        return speed;
    void CMotorController::setDirection(Direction direction)
        this->direction = direction;
    Direction CMotorController::getDirection()
        return direction;
  • If you run these tests you’ll find a compiler error, something along the lines of

    Error 1 error C2338: Test writer must define specialization of ToString for your class class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > __cdecl Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework::ToString(const enum Direction &). c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\unittest\include\cppunittestassert.h 66 1 MotorControllerTests

    The problem here is that we’ve introduced a type which we have no ToString method for within the CppUnitTestAssert.h header, so we need to add one. Simply insert the following code before your TEST_CLASS

    namespace Microsoft{ namespace VisualStudio {namespace CppUnitTestFramework 
        template<> static std::wstring ToString<Direction>(const Direction& direction) 
           return direction == Forward ? L"F" : L"R"; 

    The concatenation of the namespace on a single line is obviously not neccesary, I just copied the way the CppUnitTestAssert.h file had their namespace and also it ensures I can easily show you the main code for this. What does matter though is that we’ve implemented a new ToString which understands the Direction type/enum.

  • Finally, run the tests and see what the outcome is – both tests should pass, feel free to break the getter code to prove the SUT is really being tested

That should be enough to get your unit testing in VC++ up and running.

WPF Controls and Virtualization

Some of the built-in WPF control can be virtualized and some are virtualized by default. See Optimizing Performance: Controls.

I’m working on migrating a WinForm application to WPF, in doing so I happily recreated the code to load a ComboBox with a fairly large amount of data from a web service call. In the Windows Forms ComboBox this seemed to be have fairly good performance. Not so in the WPF ComboBox!

Some WPF controls, such as the ComboBox create their list control/dropdown to accommodate all items, therefore all items are rendered to the popup associated with it. It then uses a ScrollViewer to handle the scrolling of this large view object. Obviously when we’re talking about something like 10,000+ items (as I’m populating it with), clicking the dropdown button results in a very slow display of the associated popup whilst it’s busy rendering non-visible items.

What would be preferably is if we could load only the items to fit the dropdown space into the popup and have the scrollbar “think” that there’s more data, then we can “virtualize” our loading of data into the UI control.

We do this using the following code

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding}">
         <VirtualizingStackPanel />

Other ItemsControl objects

In the case of the WPF ListView and ListBox, both are virtualized by default.

However, to paraphrase “Optimizing Performance: Controls”

By default WPF ListBoxes use UI virtualization when used with databinding, however if you add ListBoxItem’s explicitly the ListBox does not virtualize.

The TreeView can be enabled using the following code

<TreeView ItemsSource={Binding} VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" />

The ContextMenu can also be virtualized.


We might find that an ItemsControl, for example a ListBox, is slow when scrolling. In this case we can use the attached property VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode as per

<ListBox ItemsSource={Binding} VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode="Recycling" />